Enter a file name and select a file type.You'll find the "Apply" button in the bottom left and the "Save" button in the bottom right. Press "Apply" in the bottom left, and then "Save" in the bottom right.Adjust the pre-set box to crop the photo as desired.When you click on "Select aspect," you'll see a dropdown menu with more options

If you get a notification when you upload a file, select the "Web" option.
Special thanks to Pixlr for the video tutorial and walk through.This tutorial covers an easy way to crop and resize images, with no special software required. Pretty simple once you make sure you understand the distinction between canvas. Those are the basics of cropping and resizing. That’s the name of the file format you know preserve all of your layers and let you come back and work on that same file again and again. One last tip if you find yourself always having to crop or resize images to the same size maybe you run a ebay store front and you always have to have product shots that are a specific size. You can flip an image where not only are vertically and you can rotate 90 or 100. Couple other things you may want to do that are related to this is rotating an image. Course you can just crop based on the composition itself or how you want to frame your image just turn off any constraints and try and crop box and move it around in return. For example if you wanted this image to be 1000 or 2000 pixels you could enter those numbers every turn in the crop box will automatically fit that size. Most of the time you’ll probably be looking to make your final image a really specific size. You just draw your crop box and it will conform to that ratio hit the return button. You’ll see some options in the secondary toolbar that allow you to constrain the size of your crop if you know the ratio of your final image for example one to one square with what I’m going to do. Let’s crop this one to fit a really specific size. So I would make sure you understand the distinction between the image size and the canvas size when you need to crop a few helpful options. And again there are really few reasons you would want to do this. It’s going to automatically crop your image to fit that size. I just Papin this pain onto a separate layer if you make the canvas size smaller than your current image size.

Around my image increasing the canvas by 500 pixels and I’m going to use the paint bucket to fill this in and make a ready made order for it. But you might want to do t, for example, le like I’m doing here I’m adding 500 pixels to the outside. This just changes the working space that you’re working on. Writes using image canvas size you can add space around your image. Now that the image is smaller as make the canvas larger. So you probably want to leave the box checked. There are really very few reasons you would ever want to do that. And I’ll show you an example of what that looks like. If you uncheck this box you’re going to stretch your image and it won’t look good. I’ll make this image smaller the constrained proportions boxes checked by default which means the apple are Matley calculate the height width for you and keep your image in the correct portions. So if you want to change the size of your image you can do that by going to Image image size and entering some new pixel dimensions. Let’s start with a quick but important distinction when you open an image your image sits on top of a canvas. Hi there I’m the community manager for Pixlr and in this video one attack on something that seems pretty simple but that can get people hung up sometimes cropping and resizing images. Pixlr Editor Design Basics: Resizing and Cropping Images

In the Pixlr video tutorial below you will discover how to use the resizing and cropping tools within the web-based image editing software.
Another reason why so many people and designers are falling in love with Pixlr is that it’s free to use and is accessible right through any internet web browser. Once people start to realize how easy and effective an online design editor like Pixlr is for image editing, they soon become addicted. Photo and image editing are two of the most sought after reasons for someone getting into the world of graphic design.